Table of Contents
Whistic Knowledge Base
Whistic's Knowledge Base with AI-powered Smart Search provides Profile customers an intuitive new way to store, organize, and intelligently search security documentation and self-assessment questionnaires.
- Whistic Knowledge Base replaces the Profile Document Repository which was previously located in Admin Tools.
- All security documents and self-assessment questionnaire responses from your Whistic Profile(s) are automatically included in the Knowledge Base, making it easier to see, organize, and search them.
- AI-powered Smart Search uses contextual clues to allow internal users to ask questions and self-serve accurate and relevant answers to their security questions.
Using Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base is accessed by clicking the icon on the left-hand side of the Whistic Console.
There are three main areas in the Knowledge Base:
Smart Search: an AI-assisted search engine for all documents and questionnaires contained in the Knowledge Base.
Documents: All documents located in any of your Whistic Profiles, plus any documents that have been added directly to the Knowledge Base.
File types supported as sources in Knowledge Base:
.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .csv, .docx, .pdf
Questionnaires: All questionnaires that you have responded to from within Whistic, including those that are located on your Profile(s).
File types supported for importing as a questionnaire:
.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm
Using Documents and Questionnaires
Knowledge Base contents can be filtered and sorted by column to make it easier to locate specific items.
- Use Filter to find specific documents and questionnaires by name or keyword
- Click Upload Document to add documents directly to Knowledge Base
- Click on column headings to sort the documents or questionnaires alphabetically or by the most recent (or oldest) upload or update date.
- Move the toggle next to each item to include or exclude it as a source for Search results
- Click on specific documents or questionnaires to see details and take actions:
Available Details:
Document file name
Uploaded date
Who uploaded the document
All Profiles locations where the document is housed
Available Actions:
View the document
Download the document
Replace the document in every location
Archive the document, permanently removing it from all locations
Enable/Disable the document from the Knowledge Base Smart Search
Viewing Document and Questionnaire Details
- Click on specific documents or questionnaires to view the item, when it was uploaded or last updated, who uploaded the file, and where it is located (all Profile locations).
- Replacing a document from within Knowledge Base will automatically update or remove that document in all Profile locations.
- Note: Only documents that have been removed from all Profile locations are available to be archived.
Adding or Removing Items from Knowledge Base Search
- All documents and completed questionnaires that are included in any of your Whistic Profiles are automatically added to your Knowledge Base and are enabled for the Knowledge Base Smart Search.
- To prevent an item from being used by Knowledge Base Smart Search, turn off the toggle next to the item.
- All Questionnaires you have self-assessed against or responded to in Whistic (on behalf of one of your customers) are automatically available to be included in your Knowledge Base (whether or not they are included on a Profile), but only Questionnaires that have been marked as complete can be enabled as sources for Smart Search.
- Knowledge Base Smart Search is only available to Internal resources and enabling or disabling documents and questionnaires on this page will not change availability to your customers or vendors.
Note: Uploading, Archiving or Adding or Removing items from your Knowledge Base, or using the Knowledge Base Toggle to change availability to search, kicks off a process that teaches AI what it can and cannot use as sources. As such, your search results may not reflect changes made in the last few minutes.
Using Knowledge Base Smart Search
The AI-powered Smart Search used in Knowledge Base provides a contextual, Symantec-based search to quickly find answers in the Knowledge Base regardless of how the question is worded, or how the answer appears in previous questionnaires or documents. Ask it a question!
Note: You need to request to have the feature enabled for your account. There is no additional cost to use the feature. Contact your Whistic Customer Success Manager if you have questions.
Hints and Tips:
- For better results, try asking questions rather than searching for just one or two keywords
- To limit sources to only questionnaires or documents (not both), deselect one of the checkboxes next to the Search bar.
- After changing the toggle to include or exclude an item from the Knowledge Base search, it takes a little time for AI to preprocess the information. As such, search results may not reflect changes made in the last few minutes.
- Using the Filter option DOES NOT impact Smart Search results.
- Check out Knowledge Base Smart Search Chrome Plugin to query your Knowledge Base directly from your browser so you can get answers fast from anywhere.
Smart Search Filters
Knowledge Base Resources
You can perform a Smart Search across your entire company’s security documentations and self-assessment questionnaires. To limit sources to only questionnaires or documents (not both) in the Knowledge Base resources, deselect one of the checkboxes next to the Search bar.
If you are looking for information specific to any of your profile(s), you can choose the Profiles Search Type and make a selection of profiles you’d want to run Smart Search for.
Just so you know, the filters in the Document and Questionnaire sections do not apply when doing a Filter Knowledge Base by Profile smart search. It searches everything in the selected profiles only.
Knowledge Base User Permission
Permission to manage Knowledge Base is restricted to users with “Admin” privileges.
To provide other internal resources view-only and search-only access to Knowledge Base (without the ability to upload, replace, archive, or modify which documents are available to search, and without providing other feature access in Whistic), enable them with just the Knowledge Base / AI user permission.
User permissions are set by going to Admin Tools | User Management.