Table of Contents
The Vendor Catalog is the place to go when you want to see a complete and detailed list of the vendors you are assessing. You'll be able to easily view and sort by assessment progress, internal contacts, questionnaire reviewers, next assessment dates, and much more! The best part is that you can customize the data displayed on this screen to perfectly fit your company's needs. The data displayed on this screen can be configured to match your company's needs by a managed Admin. These changes will be applied to all user views on your account. Follow the simple steps below to get started!
Currently, the search only covers the data that is present (visible) in the selected columns.
1. Log into and go to the Vendor Catalog then click Add/Select Columns at the of the Vendor Catalog.
Note: If you do not see this button, it may need to be enabled on your account.
2. Select and deselect the criteria you would like to see then click "Next"
Note: Custom fields can be added as columns for companies that have customized their Vendor Intake Form. For the columns to appear in the list there must be at least one vendor with data in the field.
3. Drag the boxes to arrange the order you would like your criteria to be in then select Next
4. Select Continue to save.